Thursday, December 30, 2010

So the last time I blogged religously was...

I had posted a few days ago from a work computer during my "break time". But I hadn't checked that post because I can't view my own blog from any work computer. It's filed as "Entertainment" and so has been denied. Somehow, I can still get onto the "backstage" part of my blogger page and post something.


So it seems that this year, blogging had not been my priority. I note that there are probably seven days in the entire year that I got onto my computer and said, "Hey, there's something I want to write down an share with random people on the internet who may or may not care." Including this one, it'll be the eighth and probably the only other one for this year of 2010.

Maybe my New Years resolution should be to try blogging more often...

Yeah, right.

We all know that I don't make New Year's resolutions because the likelihood of follow-up is a very low percentage and that would only make me feel more pathetic and guilty in my already feeble life. New Year's resolutions are not my way of life anyway. If there's something pressing that I want to get accomplished, I don't need to wait until the new year to make my resolve.

My mindset will be stationed at: "Well, I have all year..." And the next thing you know, the matter will be set aside and by the time I come across it again, it'll be December and so I'll probably put it off for the next year. "I will definitely get this done after the new year starts..."

To be totally honest, I'm not sure what has been keeping me from blogging.

At the beginning of the year, I was buried in study guides, student clinical rotations, exams and stress. After all of that was finished and done, I think I pretty much just lost motivation to write about anything else. A couple posts here and there about something interesting that had happened, or something that was bugging me were written, but I can't really say that I've dedicated more time to blogging now that I have more time.

As previous posts have mentioned, life holds no more excitement for me now that I've accomplished the biggest thing I need to accomplish. I finished school, I got a job. Now I sit at home everyday when I'm not at work and I really don't have the motivation to go anywhere even if I'm invited.

The past week has been the most I've left the house for reasons other than work since one of my closest friends left the state to pursue her own future and new life.

But anyway, let's not dwell on my lamentable lifestyle-- it'll only make me and everyone else more irritated.


The holidays are coming to an end after this week and tomorrow for the last day of 2010, I will be working at the good old hotel where dinner parties are taking place become someone wants to get married on New Year's Eve. While I understand that a lot of people have their weddings on holidays for reasons of remembering their wedding date, or just because they want to (maybe it's special to them somehow), I really think it's kind of tacky. But then again, I've never been in a serious relationship and a wedding is not in my future, so maybe getting married on a holiday is meaningful in one way or another for some.

But that only means that a crew of people will be working on a night that they would rather be somewhere else.

There are lots of nights that I would rather be somewhere else but at work, but that's only because I'm lazy. I will work no matter what because it means more hours and more money and something to do, however, because I currently have no outstanding social life to brag about. It's all good for me and my bank account.

In other news, I am currently trying my hand at piano. I've been slacking off however, because no matter how much I want to learn, I think there's this mental barrier keeping me from fully committing to playing just because my brother is already pretty good at it and the keyboard is in his general area of the house. I feel like I don't want to do the same things that my brothers do... Maybe I should pick up some other type of talent.


Anyway, this post has been more or less insignificant because I've dragged on about nothing in particular. Hopefully the new year holds more significance.

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