Saturday, September 27, 2008

Heroes and Too Much Work

So the third season of Heroes has begun to air. I missed the season premier, but fortunately was graced with online streaming and so I saw it anyway.

It was a jam-packed two episode premier, and the effect was rather "Whoa!" because within these two simple fourt-five minute episodes, too much happens. I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but let's just say that everyone seems a lot more emo than they were from season 1. In season 2, there hadn't been too much time to elaborate on the degree of emo that our "heroes" end up in because Hollywood's writers decided to go on strike and ended Heroes in the middle of the season.

The very first scene of the first episode, I swear, probably came right out of a Matrix movie scene. I think that what Claire was wearing is a dead-copy of Trinity's usual pick of clothing.

But anyway, despite the immense complications and increase in mysteries, more adventures are being added on and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.

Peter is on a mission to "save the world" as he always seems to be, but this time there's an interesting twist that is revealed at the very beginning. Hiro, of course, is so dead set on being a hero that he may end up screwing up horribly this time. For once, his best friend is the one with the level-head and his wits among him. Claire is as emotional as ever and probably more so after an encounter with Sylar. After being shot by a "mysterious assailant" back in season two, Nathan has become somewhat... looney, which is a shame because he was probably the more normal, more intelligent, more stable of all the heroes in the entire series. Suresh has lost it... completely, and I'll leave it at that. We know nothing of what happened to Niki/Jessica or her son and relatives... but OMG, there's a Niki look-alike out there?!!

Anyway, there are so many new things going on and so much revealed and so many more new questions brought to attention. And this is all just within the first two episodes so I can only wonder what the rest of the series is going to be like. You don't get a chance to stop for breath when you're watching Heroes cause if you stop paying attention for even a second, you may just miss something very important.

Also, we get to reunite with Claire's biological mother once again, and Angela Petrelli finally displays what her great power is.

As a spoiler, my brother told me that the very last episode is revealed to be titled "War." I have quite the ideas on what will incur during this third volume of Heroes. And being that season two couldn't really elaborate on the "Generations", hopefully it won't take away the effect of volume three's "Villians" because there's a significance to this title.


In other news, I'm tired of homework. Case closed. Although I haven't had much time to do my homework what with my part-time job and with my... obsessed attachment to Warhammer Online.

But seriously, I need to learn how to self-discipline myself. Otherwise, there may be some problems. I've successfully contacted all the professors for the sake of my application into the Medical Technology program and hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out. If I can get in, I can begin working my way into a lab and getting acquainted with that so-called "experience" that every job employer is looking for.

The holidays are approaching quickly with Halloween around the corner and Thanksgiving and Christmas not too far behind. You might say that the latter two are still two months away, but time, I've discovered, flies be so quickly that you don't even have time to comment on how far away Christmas feels.

After this semester, I'll have completed Immunology and will have no other class to take until my acceptance into Medical Technology. And so I'll have a whole semester free of school work so maybe I should consider searching for a different part-time job to occupy my time.

If I may do so, I feel I should take that semester to work on my writing as well as my anime and manga blog other things.

On a side note, I am fully pumped and ready to go about dieting because in another ten pounds, I think I may just go shoot myself. Thus, joining a gym may not be a bad idea... though I think in the end, I may just start looking for a KSS class to take for the sake of being a student out there and being out at the gym at WSU. And because I'm not too certain about whether or not I'll be kicked of my student status if I don't take a class during one of the semesters...

Anyway. Whatever.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

An Emo Moment... Apologies are in order to begin with... *bows*

I understand the complications. I understand why my parents persist. And I understand it all. What I don't understand is why it's so hard for my parents to understand how to practice a little bit of consideration... or even a little bit of...

You know, I don't really know what I want from them. But what I don't want is for them to continuously be breathing down my back about doing certain things and then give me obstacles.

Like you really think that this is an effort I've never tried to make on my own. And like you really think that this is something I enjoy.

I know. I know. And I know.

But right now, I can't seem to keep myself from wanting to explode or burst into tears. I'm not a depressing person, but certain circumstances always turn me into one. Right now is really not the best time to make me feel so much more inferior than the rest of the world.

So what if I'm overweight? So what if I'm fat? So what if I'm practically rolling stomach out of my shirts? So what if I'm so disgusting that it hurts to look at me? I can one hundred percent tell all of you fools that I am healthier than a marathon runner. I could probably out run one if I feel like it because I'm a fool like that. My being fat has nothing to do with MY personal health.

Because for all my glory of being a hundred pounds heavier than my parent's ideal target weight, I've yet to contract any disease or disorder mostly common within my family and caused by being obese. I'm very healthy.

And now I'm being completely random and stupid. I don't even know what the hell I'm talking about anymore.

But you know, surgar-coating the words "Your fat and you need to lose weight because we can see your bulging stomach" with the words "we just want you to be healthy" does not help to increase my already diminishing self-confidence that I can at least control one aspect of my life. Everything in my life is not going according to plan right now, I've lost all confidence in my future career, and I've had about three hours of sleep in the past twenty-four to four-eight hours. I'm so tired because I ran and ran all day today for the sake of a job I don't even like, but that I can't seem to stop killing my physical exterior for, and I don't even know what my life is worth anymore.

Slapping me in the face by suddenly bringing up the issue of my weight does NOT exactly tell me how much my parents love me. Instead, I just feel like I've been reduced to a cretin about to be smashed beneath Glory's bare feet. Not only that, but my right wrist is either twisted or bruised, I may have Carpel Tunnel since my left hand is always losing feeling, my right knee is beginning to give out on me again, and my back and shoulders are eternally stressed.

But you know what, according to the doctor I'm completely one hundred percent healthy and probably much more so than my athletic little brother.

I've done what my own motivation will allow. I don't eat like a pig. I've gone to physical activities classes-- I've taken Pilates, Cardio-kickboxing, Yoga, Turbokick... I've gone to the gym. I've gone on diet pills. I've done everything I can do. But it's either of my own willpower, or because of sheer misfortune.

I've never lost one pound of weight for the past three years, no matter how hard I've tried. And granted, maybe I just need to try harder. And I know that I have to try harder. And I know that I'm fat and disgusting, but I really don't need anyone telling me that... and then turning around and trying to cram another cake down my goddamned throat.

Don't be so fuckin' contradictory! Dammit, make up your minds and leave me alone. Really... just leave me alone.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Work and Warhammer

Hmm... what a weird combination. Work and Warhammer sounds like I'm about to be deployed into a battlefield.

My boss hasn't called me yet to tell me that I need to work tomorrow morning at 9:30 no matter what. I tried to pawn off that shift to another coworker of mine because starting on Thursday until Sunday I'll be doing a merciless amount of split shift work. In other words, I'll be up before the crack of dawn at 5:00 A.M. so that some crazy people can have breakfast at 7:00 A.M. and then I get to go home for a couple hours and screw around try to sleep before going back to work for the dinner shift. This if for four days in a row.

I can already feel the weariness setting in. I think I may have to call in dead this weekend.

So when one of my coworkers mentioned only having to work one day this week cause she'd asked for the weekend off, she sounded a little disappointed and distressed. So I offered her my Tuesday morning at 9:30 -- I try to be a nice person. Except now she'll be working two straight shifts tomorrow from morning until the nighttime. Oh well, I guess she is only working one day of the whole week.

As a final change in pace of all things gaming, Warhammer Online's head start gameplay begins today at 2:00 P.M. over here in the states. It took us a long time to figure out what x:00 A.M. CET was. Apparently CET is Central European Time. That's the first I'd heard of things being based off of CET instead of PST or EST or the like. Although nothing is ever based off of CST if it's a nationwide event. The central states of America just aren't that significant I guess.

It makes my little home on the range of Kansas feel so special. I think our only redeeming factor here is that we're the flattest state in the States and we get tornadoes. Oh yea, and then there's our deteriorating "Air Capitol of the World" reputation as well since all aircraft industries seem to be uprooting and shipping off to some foreign countries for better labor deals.

I'll say it now cause this is how I think: It's all the labor unions' doing. Honestly, it jitters me to no end knowing that people are still not satisfied with $20 an hour pay, plus excellent health benefits, paid vacations, paid holidays, paid Sundays, shift difference, and worthy overtime pay. And all this with just a high school degree in hand and nothing more. Accordingly, you don't even really have to do your job. And you all are going on strike because you're not being paid... what? $30 an hour.

Give me break!

I get paid $2.35/hr plus gratuities that may amount to about an average of $8.00/hr ever two weeks. My paychecks probably would never pay off if I lived on my own in a cardboard box and is really more like petty cash in this economy today. And this is if I'm lucky. Finding a better job is like picking the dead silence out of a crowd and I even have a useless degree that isn't getting me anywhere.

While I admit that I could probably be trying harder, at least I wouldn't be complaining if I had good benefits and good pay.

But that's just one of my soap boxes that maybe I should step down from before I get a lashing from other people. Labor unions are a touchy subject after all. And I'm not saying that just because you only have a high school degree that you don't deserve a good job, but people nowadays just don't know the value of satsifaction.

People always want more. We're a greedy species no matter who we are... and we're an emo species too lately. People love to live in the grandness of their melancholy and we'll be damned if someone else has a crappier life than we do.

But all of this is suddenly off topic and I need to quit.

Because all of this Warhammer Online news just ended up becoming Ani's soap box and I really hate soap boxes cause they only cause trouble and unnecessary flaming.

So back to Warhammer Online.

Well, I guess there isn't much to say about it. It starts today -- or this Thursday for those who didn't preorder and receive the head start codes -- and I'm only semi-looking forward to it. While some aspects of it are fun, it's the same deal over and over again. We quest, we do scenarios a la capture the flag type of game, and we can go and kill off other players on the open RvR battlegrounds like a first person shooter game. It's going to get boring real fast unless something new catches my attention. Because the monotonous effect was what got me turned off of Everquest 2.

Anyway, hopefully I'll be able to catch on fast and I'll be able to enjoy it.

As of today, however, I'll be spending a bit of time rushing through my Immunology notes since I have a quiz next Monday and probably won't have time to study when I start working on Thursday. Chances are, I'll still slack off... but not as much as usual. I'm even very tempted to turn on my laptop and start typing away some other story items that I really, really, really wanna work on...

Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Grandma's New House and a Walk-in Closet

So it's Sunday. Sunday's are boring and drab since there's not much going on for me on Sundays. I could be doing a lot of things such as cleaning my room, doing my laundry, or even doing my homework. But it feels like it would be such a sin just to lift a finger on a Sunday.

But it's not like I'm Catholic or anything, so I guess it's okay.

So my uncle recent bought a new house on the east side of town. It's a nicer change from the neighborhood they live in currently (and have lived in for the past twenty years). It's prettier and probably much more secure -- in other words, Grandma won't have to worry about chaining and bolting every door and window in her house at night anymore.

From the outside it looks kind of small. The inside looks a little bit more spacious. But I won't deny that compared to a lot of other houses, it's actually quite small. The way the house was designed and constructed... I don't really like. I wouldn't be able to make myself buy something like this.

But... To each their own. My uncle's happy with it, my grandma's happy with it, so everything is quite alright. I guess.

The only things I could say I like are probably the deck, the walk-in closet, and the kitchen counter.

The deck is big, spacious, and has a roof hanging over it. I like this aspect. Secondly, it also leads into the master bedroom. A little creepy if you think about it, but then again, sometimes you just need those late night or early morning leave the house without anyone knowing times. Or in a workaholic's case, I guess it's a good idea to have a means to enter the house after a long day at work without encountering anyone.

In a college student's case, it's a good idea to be able to enter the house after a long party night and fall directly onto one's bed without waking the entired household -- if said entire household exists, that is. There is also quite a bit of room under the deck as well to load up outdoor items, but I'm not saying that the area is a safe haven for easily rusting gardening materials.

In my uncle and grandma's case, it's going to be the dog's room and chain up prison when visitor's are over.

And yes, that is my little brother's but in that shot. I didn't realize I got it until I actually looked. Who knows what he's bending over to pick up. Made me want to retake the picture, but it would take a little while to find the right spot and right lighting again. Camera phones really aren't all what they're hyped out to be, honestly.

Now, I like walk-in closets. They're nice. They give you a lot of room to sweep extra debris into when guests are over. I could probably throw another tub or two of unfolded clothes in there and no one would be the wiser. And there's plenty of room to do it too. I could even store extra boxes in each corner of this one. Although it's a little hard to get a full front and peripheral camera shot of the closet, I can just say that it's big.

And I especially like the shelf. I also like having the hanging rods at different heights. Makes for a good place to put different types of clothes, or to mix and match outfits. Not that I would need a clost for that. But truthfully, it also separates the weight of a bunch of clothes so that not everything is hanging in the middle of one single straight rod.

In my own closet in the past before I threw away a lot of clothes I realized I'd never be able to wear again... (that's another story) Basically the rod was screaming for a merciful end since it looked like it was about to buckle. I too was scared I'd break something so I started to pack away all those clothes and give them to my brothers as hand-me-downs (I'm a bit of a tomboy so a lot of my clothes were actually men's clothes) or I just sent them off with our garage sales and the Salvation Army trucks.

Now I make a solemn pact not to buy anymore clothes unless I absolutely need them or until I've lost about fifty pounds. End of story.

And now the kitchen.

Well, it's small. But it looks quaint. And I really like this counter for who knows what reason. It just looks so cool. With it's window and everything.

And that's all I really have to say about this part of the house. To be honest, I'm an island counter person. If I ever get a house, I need an island counter. It makes more lots of room and lots of space to throw things. And it can also serve as a dining table too if you live by yourself. Who needs to buy a new kitchen table?

I will admit I prefer to live on the west side of town over the east side of town. The east side is just so bustling and crowded... and mean. There's so much traffic and sometimes I just don't know how to get around. And there are about four Starbucks on Rock Road alone. It makes me wanna cry, cause there are really only four Starbucks on the entired west side alone. And this is including the one on Seneca which is really not counted as the west side, but more like the ghetto south side.

But anyway, to each their own. All is swell.

I'm tired as hell because of a cater-out job yesterday. I can actually feel my upper back tightening up on me. And I can't really feel my feet. And my fingers are aching, and frankly, typing up a storm doesn't help out at all.

In other news, the open beta of Warhammer Online just ended last night. I played for longer than I really needed to play. After all, it's not like I actually get to keep my character from the open beta. But now I actually have to go and pay the fifty bucks for an official game for when the game actually launches on the 18th this week. But I'll be working my butt off so I don't even know if I'll have time to play.

Ah... no matter. Really... I guess.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

I'm Still in Love...

明天以後Ming Tin Yi Hau - 林峰Raymond Lam & Vincy Chan

Yeah, I'm a sucker for duets, and when it's a duet with my one of my favorite guys singing, it's heaven.

This song is from Ray's newest album of which I've spoken of already. At first when I heard it and a female was singing, I was thinking... "huh? This isn't Ray." And so I looked up the album's info and found that Vincy Chan does this lovely duet with Ray.

I'm so happy about it that I just have to post about it. There's also a mandarin version, but I like this Canto version more.


Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Raymond Lam -- Your Love

I'm in love...

If you thought I was an obsessed otaku fangirl weird, then you won't be surprised to see me squealing in delight at the aspect of Raymond Lam's newest CD. I love this guy.

Excuse me while I lapse into fandom and "kya!" like a fangirl.

Your Love is Ray's second album since he stepped into the music industry. The first one with the incredibly mouthful title of Searching for You in Loving Memories or what have you at your own translation, was another milestone of his (and mine) that had all of his fans swooning in pleasure. Both albums are very good, although even as a fan I will admit there are some songs that don't really catch on as quickly and I don't care about. But the majority of the music is awesome.

Frankly speaking, until he released his first album last year in 2007, I'd been anticipating his first step into the music industry because of his incredibly smooth and unique voice. He has the talent to hit all sorts of pitches and sing to all sorts of music, and he had even been given the chance to perform each and every one of his theme songs for series he participated in. Even for Heart of Greed in which he wasn't supposed to really be a main character he ended up striking up a good image as a couple with Linda Chung and so the two sang the sub theme song together.

When other persons had released an album before him, I was disappointed. We will not mention who this "other persons" is because it would just cause fan chaos.

But I'm glad that he now has two albums and many, many other songs to boot. If only I could get a nice compilation of all the themesongs sung by this guy, then I would be in happy fangirl heaven.


Yea, this guy is hot, his acting skills are above average, his singing is incredible, and his potential is continuing to soar even higher. I can't wait to continue watching him go places with his talents and skills.

In other news, Warhammer Online from Mythic Entertainment and EA games has released its open beta this week.

My brothers and I are participating in this and will probably allow Warhammer to become the next shot of "EverCrack2" drug we indulge in for the next few months. Of course, as the official launch of the game is still a few days away, I don't know how long we'll actually play this game. After all, we gave up on Everquest 2 to play Vanguard and that ended pretty badly.

As of right now, I'm giving myself a chance to play the plethora of evil characters available... since my brother wanted to be a squig herder. Don't ask questions, you'll only cry.

While Vanguard lacked a sense of convenience and efficiency during gameplay experience, Everquest 2 had always made up for in that sense. But Vanguard was a wonder world with new adventures and new gameplay deals. Unfortunately, the world was so big that it was overwhelming and frankly a little too easy to avoid playing. Everquest 2 lacked new ideas and new scenery and so became a boring old sport.

Hopefully Warhammer will be able to provide what these two games had lacked... along with fixing some bugs that are quite annoying at this time.

In yet more news, things in the personal life are going quite monotonous right now. Work is work, school work is school work... And thanks to Gustav, we're getting really good weather here in Kansas. My sincere apologies for finding this little bit of pleasure in the grief of those down south, but it really has been sweltering hot lately and I'm glad for the change of temperament in the easily tempered Kansas weather.

I recently watched 'The Bucket List' with Morgan Freeman and Jack Nickolson which was absolutely genius and fabulous. Ever since I saw the trailer I've wanted to watch the movie. A plot with two old dying men living out the last of their days to the fullest through a philosophical "Bucket List." It was very inspirational and very humorous. Morgan Freeman is one of the most talented American actors that I can respect. Jack Nickolson is Jack Nickolson and there's not other way to describe him-- in all his glory, he's a really great actor too.

My older brother has left for Minnesota on his first Operations Manager "mission" and in fact was supposed to go to Lafayette, but due to the multiple hurricane attacks, his destination was changed. He'll be back home on Saturday, so I was told, and then soon he'll be off on yet another building visit to somewhere else. It's a pity that I can't seem to get out of this pathetic city too... no matter how hard I'm trying. And then I got told that I need to just stay in Wichita and stop thinking about going elsewhere. Really now, the only reason I'm looking out of state is because I really want out of here... But no one in his family needs to know that other wise there might be some problems.

So right now I'm stuck in my eternal state of family servitude as the Asian daughter who can't leave unless she can become rich and famous by some miracle. Or unless I can (by yet another impossible miracle) get married an unload a grandchild for my parents to play with in which case they'll be sure that I'll be coming home to remain the servant girl.

As an end note to this semi-fangirl semi-rant post, I make mention that I have once again shot myself in the Writer's Block head and come up with yet another new story idea that I can't finish. On a more positive note, my most recent story which I've designated as a "short" story is being forcefully pounded out onto "paper" a la Microsoft Word glory. I'm going to assume that as soon as I finish it, I'll at least feel like I've made some progress and can edit and re-edit it to death until I've decided that I like it enough to share it with the world... or just to some bored passerby.