Wednesday, July 27, 2011

A hundred and thirteen...

The weather in this city seems to be getting hotter and hotter every week. It makes for lack of motivation if you want to go grocery shopping or jogging, or even a few steps to the mail box. A few days ago, our air conditioner's fan broke and needed to be fixed, so there was some money flying out the window. I'm hoping this heat wave doesn't keep up for too long. After August, summer should be coming to an end, so maybe we'll be getting better weather soon.

In other news, I've gone and completely reorganized my room so that it doesn't look like things explode every time someone walks in. I can finally proudly tell my parents that I have a white carpeted floor and there are no obstructions trying to get to my desk. Buying a new bed and throwing out my old high school toy bunk bed helped a lot. Because along with throwing out the old bed, I also emptied a lot hidden shoe boxes full of unneeded crap and pitched all of that as well. Following, I went through my entire wardrobe and probably got rid of fifty percent of it-- you know those clothes and outfits you WISH you could still wear from a few years back, but haven't worn since the first time you tried it on?

Things are changing around here now, so hopefully I can keep up this better habit of making my bed every day after I get up and keeping things organized. My next task will be to tackle the closet full of old college notes, textbooks and a lot more random crap. I even have plans to reorganize our kitchen drawers-- but that's for a while later on.

And then, maybe I can even learn how to be more social with people I normally don't hang out with. Since my two closest friends are no longer "right down the street and around the corner", I've been spending more than enough time sitting around at home and trying to come up with things to do. Granted, I'm really, really good at finding things to do on my own, I kind of miss going out to eat and haven't even tasted expensive dining since I last visited my friend in Georgia in March. However, my work schedule is also going through some changes, so even if I wanted to go out to eat, it's not going to be an easy task.

I guess you can't always win, right? Wanting more hours just means I socialize less. Wanting to socialize more would require sacrificing hours, which means giving up the chance to make money. Decisions... Decisions...

Right now, I think my big thing is saving money. After dropping a good sum for a couple items around the house, like a new bed and fixing broken appliances, I'm starting to feel the lash of needing to have a savings account.

Anyway... happy heated weather. Maybe it'll storm sometime and bring the heat down. It'd be nice if it rained for a couple days straight and actually be cooler instead of making things more humid.

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