Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Sleep deprived and clawing at what little gray matter I have

Yea, I'm tired. After taking and barely passing two exams last week with an A and a B, I have just taken another test today. Tomorrow there will be an even harder exam, and then yet another one for Friday.

On top of that, I still have about fifty to sixty homework questions to finish by next Thursday when I will also be taking another exam.

From here on out, there will be at least one exam every week.

And I have a cold. It was kind of like "Hey, you have five plus exams to take in the coming week or two, but we don't think you're miserable enough. Here, have a cold. Enjoy. No returns, no refunds. But you have to keep it until you're done being stressed out. This is how we build strength in our future."

Yea. Whatever. Now I'm just delusional.

At least I'm keeping up with a few of my classes pretty well. Hematology and Blood Banking are being awfully good to me. Chemistry is a give or take, depending on how well I can manage to understand/memorize the class lecture. Molecular Diagnostics is a lost cause, so I'm just going to have to do what I can to "know everything" and then wing it. As for Lab Management, there are a lot of common sense things that could simply be derived from a real work place-- I think it'll be fine. Serology is going to be strenuous-- I can already feel it, because of the homework and all the studying I don't know how to do.

So anyway, maybe I should stop slacking off in class and actually pay attention. Not that I can right now. My nose is stuffed, my chest is congested, and my throat is a bit itchy, scratchy sore. My head is fuzzy and my muscles ache like heck. And now I'm hungry as well.

Okay, so after this bout of drama, I think I'll mellow out a bit. I've got lots of studying to do tonight, and I promised a date with one of my best friends who I've been ignoring for three weeks, probably, because of all of my classes. She thinks I died, but I assured her that I'm not that lucky right now since it seems more fun to make me miserable with the inability to breath, think, sleep, or even really see anything.

Voices echo in my head, though I'm not so sure that it has to do with this cold...

And I'm done ranting.

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