Friday, April 3, 2009

Party this weekend!!

I know this is probably not something I should publicize since I'm supposedly little miss "doesn't know how to have fun", as according to a lot of my few friends. But I am so looking forward to this Saturday where I can just kick back, relax and enjoy at my friend's kegger. It's actually her parent's kegger because I think her dad's birthday is coming up. So there will be tons of wasted adult figures by the end of the night, which may feel a little weird to me. My parents don't drink and I only know of few other friends' parents who like to party.

I'm invited, all of her friends are invited, and I can even bring friends if I so feel like it.

But anyway, my brain is grasping for what little relaxation I can get, and this party couldn't have come at a better time. I've finished taking two tests this week, and there is only one other next week on Wednesday. I have no work hours this week either, and so I have all day today and all day Sunday to study for that test.

On top of that, I was informed that a certain someone will probably be attending this little party as well, and so I am very much looking forward to seeing him again. But this is only important to an extent; I still live in a world where boys have cooties...

It's been a while since I've done any actual drinking and now would be a good time.

At least it'll keep me from going completely crazy.

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In other news, I'm brainstorming story writing again. Geez am I pathetic or what...

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