Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Changes, heat, and more stuff

My room has come across a transformation and has been able to remain the cleanest since sometime in my childhood. For the seven and a half to eight years that I was in college, I believe that I sometimes couldn't even see much of my bedroom floor. Textbooks, notebooks, and random handouts were always strewn across the floor around my desk. And what's worse, I never really studied in my own room anyway; my computer had been occupying space in my brother's room due to age old RPG-gaming after I started college. So more textbooks and notebooks were laying around my computer in HIS room as well.

After finally getting that long awaiting degree and getting a job, I moved all of my personal possessions back to my room. After all, I was working a third shift schedule and tended to stay awake way passed everyone's bedtime whenever I wasn't at work. So that just meant that it would only be respectful if I didn't hang around on my computer in my brother's room while he was sleeping.

Nearly two weeks ago, I finally got rid of my old toy bed that you could feel the coiled springs through and got myself a mattress and box spring set with pillow top.

It's amazing how different changing a mattress set can feel. No more sleepless nights (or rather mornings, for me). I feel like this has been the best investment I've made in seven years (or longer, cause I don't even remember how long I'd been sleeping on the sad excuse for a bed).

Along with a new bed, my room was rearranged, and I made up my mind to go through all of my personal items and get rid of what I didn't need. At least 50% of my wardrobe ended up in large bags, packed up and shipped off to the Salvation Army. A few select books on my tiny shelf ended up being packed away as well, ready to be taken to a used book store, or the library. and truth be told, THAT got rid of a lot of unnecessary crap in my room. I even pulled out some shoe boxes full of random knick knacks that I wondered why I was keeping. Without any use for them, they went in the trash and I rid myself of unnecessary clutter.

The next step: My closet in which is stored years worth of college class notes, including the most recent Medical Technology stuff (two crates full and then some). But at this point in time, I'm just feeling no motivation to go through all that paperwork and determine what I need to keep and what I need to throw away. My intention is to transcribe all my notes into some form of Word file and just keep everything in a flash drive and then get rid of the hard copies. But I haven't been able to make myself do that yet -- it just feels like too much work.

But nonetheless, as long as no one looks in my closet, the rest of my room looks fairly clean and decent. At least my parents are happy that my room isn't a tornado blown disaster anymore. I kept telling myself that I give my room another few weeks before it becomes a pigsty again, but to be honest, having a clutter-free clean room to begin with makes keeping a room clean a bit easier. So maybe this will last longer than I'm expecting-- I should have more faith in myself.

Although I AM still trying to figure out where I can put certain things instead of just on the floor by my desk. And some random bottles of water have managed to pile up on my desk already... they just need to be thrown away really...


In other news, the weather in this darned city continues to be scorching hot. Storms are supposed to happen soon, but we'll see whether or not they even help. My lovely friend from Georgia is claiming that there is no such thing as heat ever since she'd come back into town for a few days. She's used to the heat where she lives, but it has also dropped to the mid-nineties ever since she'd been in town anyway. Go figure.

Life is thus far, quite steady with no random excitements.

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