So the third season of Heroes has begun to air. I missed the season premier, but fortunately was graced with online streaming and so I saw it anyway.
It was a jam-packed two episode premier, and the effect was rather "Whoa!" because within these two simple fourt-five minute episodes, too much happens. I don't want to give away too many spoilers, but let's just say that everyone seems a lot more emo than they were from season 1. In season 2, there hadn't been too much time to elaborate on the degree of emo that our "heroes" end up in because Hollywood's writers decided to go on strike and ended Heroes in the middle of the season.
The very first scene of the first episode, I swear, probably came right out of a Matrix movie scene. I think that what Claire was wearing is a dead-copy of Trinity's usual pick of clothing.
But anyway, despite the immense complications and increase in mysteries, more adventures are being added on and I'm looking forward to the rest of the season.
Peter is on a mission to "save the world" as he always seems to be, but this time there's an interesting twist that is revealed at the very beginning. Hiro, of course, is so dead set on being a hero that he may end up screwing up horribly this time. For once, his best friend is the one with the level-head and his wits among him. Claire is as emotional as ever and probably more so after an encounter with Sylar. After being shot by a "mysterious assailant" back in season two, Nathan has become somewhat... looney, which is a shame because he was probably the more normal, more intelligent, more stable of all the heroes in the entire series. Suresh has lost it... completely, and I'll leave it at that. We know nothing of what happened to Niki/Jessica or her son and relatives... but OMG, there's a Niki look-alike out there?!!
Anyway, there are so many new things going on and so much revealed and so many more new questions brought to attention. And this is all just within the first two episodes so I can only wonder what the rest of the series is going to be like. You don't get a chance to stop for breath when you're watching Heroes cause if you stop paying attention for even a second, you may just miss something very important.
Also, we get to reunite with Claire's biological mother once again, and Angela Petrelli finally displays what her great power is.
As a spoiler, my brother told me that the very last episode is revealed to be titled "War." I have quite the ideas on what will incur during this third volume of Heroes. And being that season two couldn't really elaborate on the "Generations", hopefully it won't take away the effect of volume three's "Villians" because there's a significance to this title.
In other news, I'm tired of homework. Case closed. Although I haven't had much time to do my homework what with my part-time job and with my... obsessed attachment to Warhammer Online.
But seriously, I need to learn how to self-discipline myself. Otherwise, there may be some problems. I've successfully contacted all the professors for the sake of my application into the Medical Technology program and hopefully it will be smooth sailing from here on out. If I can get in, I can begin working my way into a lab and getting acquainted with that so-called "experience" that every job employer is looking for.
The holidays are approaching quickly with Halloween around the corner and Thanksgiving and Christmas not too far behind. You might say that the latter two are still two months away, but time, I've discovered, flies be so quickly that you don't even have time to comment on how far away Christmas feels.
After this semester, I'll have completed Immunology and will have no other class to take until my acceptance into Medical Technology. And so I'll have a whole semester free of school work so maybe I should consider searching for a different part-time job to occupy my time.
If I may do so, I feel I should take that semester to work on my writing as well as
On a side note, I am fully pumped and ready to go about dieting because in another ten pounds, I think I may just go shoot myself. Thus, joining a gym may not be a bad idea... though I think in the end, I may just start looking for a KSS class to take for the sake of being a student out there and being out at the gym at WSU. And because I'm not too certain about whether or not I'll be kicked of my student status if I don't take a class during one of the semesters...
Anyway. Whatever.