Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Fate, fat, me, and a new health regimen

I assume that the Fates are against me no matter what I try to do, but I will stick to this new "diet" plan and I will at least look good in something from Maurices this Saturday for my "birthday" gathering. In keeping with trying to lose weight (which is an ongoing struggle involving me, my parents, and good food) I've promised myself that this summer I will try to eat healthy as a means to at least not gain anymore than I already have. Exercise is beyond me since I'm a lazy ass and my school schedule doesn't leave much room for me to do much physical activities.

I did however, promise my friend that we would go on her three mile, treacherous journey in the park every weekend. I don't know if I have just signed my death certificate or not, cause I'm at least able to make it around and back alive without wheezing.

My exercise plan has always been, no exercise more vigorous than walking up and down a set of stairs.

But anyway, I started my day by eating breakfast, since apparently eating breakfast is a good way to make sure you don't eat too much dinner, which is a good way of making sure that you can digest everything throughout the day instead of cramming it all together at night and hoping that something digests before you go to sleep. And so, even though it wasn't a big breakfast, I still ate something: yogurt. Yeah, I know, it's not a big deal and nothing to write home about. But I've gotten so used to not eating breakfast that I now feel queasy because I did eat breakfast today.

It's not part of my usual consumption so it's starting to confuse my body.

Following breakfast, I had put together a few things for lunch: some leftover pasta from Red Beans and Bayou Grill, a small dose of peanut butter, and one apple. I managed to finish eighty percent of my apple with the peanut butter smeared on before I began to feel full. I forced myself to finish the rest of my apple and a good portion of the peanut butter and I now continue to feel queasy. I didn't even bother to touch the leftover pasta and may end up throwing that, plus the rest of the portion of my leftovers that I left at home, away into the trash.

Peanut butter is freakishly filling and I think I know how I'm going to control my diet now. I don't think that peanut butter is going to completely fatten me up if I eat it all the time, but I know I'll probably end up getting sick of it easily.

This only means that I need to come up with other lunch ideas.

In other news, I'm turning twenty-five next week and I feel much older than that.

In school I've just begun the "new semester" but the summer semester really doesn't start until two weeks from today. But I'm already in class and cramming new material and listening to noisy classmates talk about nothing in particular. Every so often, someone will yell out something random and only one out of ten times is it actually something humorous enough to make me chuckle to myself. Other times it's just annoying and you don't know whether to laugh or to roll your eyes; I probably do the latter without realizing it.

But it's okay, because I'm good at selective hearing and I sometimes chose to think that I don't know or care about what's going on anyway. Life in class is beginning anew once again, and it just feels like the end is not very far away even though there is still so much to go through.

Anyway, well, there's little else to mention. My new "diet" plan is going to annoy me and make me cranky, because they always do. On top of that, my friend has always been so stuck on her ideas that her ideas of a good "diet" regimen is going to get on my nerves. Friends who are head strong are so hard to talk to if you really don't want to piss them off.

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