Monday, January 23, 2012

Lunar New Year of the Dragon

Happy New Year to all of the Asian and non-Asian community out there!

I typically have more of a sense of excitement for our culture's new year than the universal new year. Call it tradition or even call it just a sense of fondness for something that NOT everyone else in this country celebrates, but I'm fairly content. For one, the new year allows us more food and festivities than the typical universal new year invokes.

On December 31, 2011, I awaited patiently for the new year to approach while sitting (bored) at a bar with friends all around. It wasn't like I didn't enjoy myself, but to be totally honest, I'm not a bar person and I'm not a heavy drinker. And we ALL know that I am the last person in this world to initiate being a social butterfly. But spending time with friends was great, so there are no complaints there.

As for this upcoming Chinese New Year (which I simply refer to as a new year), our festivities have always included visiting family, receiving lucky red envelopes (with money, of course), and eating ton-loads of great traditional Chinese dishes made by either Mom, Grandma, or some random relative. There are also lots of candies and gifts passed around.

It's typically a pretty nice time and I am honestly a tad more excited for this particular holiday than I have been for others from the most recent line-up. I know I don't look enthused, but the extent of my emotions is only so wide.

So anyway, here's to the new year, Year of the Dragon, and let's hope that we have a good one!

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