Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Amateur Blood Sucker

No, this has nothing to do with some new monster or organism I may have discovered.

I stuck my first victim today... Actually, I stuck two people. Only one of them gave me the tube of blood that I needed to attempt to collect. It's a new milestone for me, cause I never thought I'd be able to do something like that. The thought of puncturing someone's skin just to collect five milliliters of blood...

But anyway, I got a good, yet mild, rush from my first tube of blood collected. It's not like, jumping for joy exciting, but I'm satisfied with myself and I want to try it again. Not because I'm twisted and some sort of blood loving sicko, but because I want to keep sticking until I can do it without even thinking about it.

Then again, my idea of working as a Med Tech has always been more on the "No Patient Contact" side of things. I prefer to sit at my own little seat at my own little counter, inside the lab, and NOT have to make contact with patients. And that's the stuff we'll be doing soon anyway... it just so happened that drawing blood is something that we also need to learn how to do.

At least I know that I can do it now without too much trouble. I thought that I would be nervous out of my mind. I think I stayed pretty composed.

But anyway, as thus far goes, classes are not too bad. The only issue I have is with a specific teacher who I can't seem to stay awake for. On top of having a rather broken style of English, she's also pretty monotonous and reads all the slides verbatim. I have my laptop open doing other things in her class just so that I can stay awake.

I'm totally into my Hematology class, and as one can tell, am ecstatic about working in the lab. Blood banking is pretty interesting and new and the other courses are so-so. As stated already, I'm really looking forward to everything else in the rest of the program.

But anyway, school is good, days are long and tiring and I fight sleep now as I continue to try adjusting to being up early in the mornings again.

Happy New Year to all once again!

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