Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 Commences... Yea, it's another year.

So today is officially the first day of 2009. I started off the new year by toasting my coworkers with sparkling grapejuice... and then cleaning up after a bunch of drunk country partiers. KFDI can pat themselves on the back for screwing around with my New Years Eve celebration every year since three years ago. Or maybe I should be blaming the Hilton.

But either way, it's all over and done and I'm just as tired this year as I was the last. I woke up tired and I went to sleep tired.

And now I have a sore throat and my nose is still stuffy. This has to be a bad omen for something-- starting off the new year with a massive headache, sore throat, and stuffy nose. Or maybe things will get better.

After work let out, I joined two of my many coworkers at IHOP for an after work breakfast. They were sent home early while I had to stay until the end; but that's okay, I'm hard to piss off completely and I'm more likely to shrug it off and say, "I really don't care anymore."

We sat and had our breakfast foods-- I had Nutella crepes which were absolutely delicious. And then some weirdo came in and sat down at the table next to us where four menus were placed in waiting for another group. We later learned that he'd cut in line and didn't have companions arriving... yet. And the table he was at had been reserved for a different group of people who were in line with their names and everything. The hostess and the manager had to come and tell him to leave because he'd cut in line.

"We have a lot of people waiting in line," she'd told him.

"My friends are in the bathroom right now, can I order first?"

"If you're by yourself, I'm going to have to ask you to step back out into the lobby," she told him. "We have a long line of people who have their names written down already."

"My name's Adrian," he said. "Go look at it. My friends are in the bathroom. Can I order first?"

I had at first thought that he was serious and being picked on. But afterwards, the manager showed up and asked him to leave and he did. No other of his companions every showed up at that table and then other people were seated there. I can only assume that he was lying and was just trying to get away with cutting in line, eating his food, and then leaving.

But, oh well. My coworkers and I got a seat, we ate, and then we vacated.

We did spend a lot of time laughing about the party, bitching about other coworkers, and then talking nonsense about nothing significant. It was relaxing. It was nearing an hour by the time we got out food and I swear that the creepy young waiter kept staring at us. But now that I think about it, he was probably trying to gauge our patience on waiting for food. Apparently, we are very patient people.

As for my New Year Resolution that everyone's been asking about... I never have one. But I've resolved to do many, many things within the next year or so. It's just a matter of whether or not I'm motivated enough to make it happen.

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