Sunday, May 19, 2013

Review: Irish Mist - Sean's Story

Irish Mist - Sean's Story
Irish Mist - Sean's Story by Terri Reid

My rating: n/a

Well this is a pleasant surprise. A VERY pleasant surprise.

The word on the net is that Sean O'Reilly gets his own story and series... unless I've misunderstood something here. I'm not an avid fan or reader of the Mary O'Reilly mysteries, but I HAVE enjoyed the first six books immensely as well as the entirety of the little world and the characters.

Sean O'Reilly happened to be one of my favorites (despite what little appearances he's made) and I had secretly hoped Terri Reid would make him the main character in one of the books. I guess I get my wish fulfilled... and then some.

Unfortunately, I haven't read it yet since I'm trying to cut back on book buying for the time being (I've already reached my budget limit this month, and yes, $0.99 is still money). And as much as I've enjoyed reading the Mary O'Reilly series, even just $0.99 for a 25 page short story is a bit much, though I'm not opposed to spending the money at some point, just not now.

Ack... we'll see. My goal is to spend less money on books and discipline is important right now...

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