Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Birthday and a Pink Escalade... and Food.

Today is my mother's birthday, so here's a shout out to her. And as it IS my mother's birthday, I'm not really allowed to tell anyone how old she is. Let's just say she doesn't look a day over forty. But then again, a lot of people say that Asian women age beautifully... so beautifully that you can't even tell they're aging.

My first thought: "Like elves?"

But anyway, I digress.

For today, I was unceremoniously awoken at 9:30 this morning (yea, I know that's not early, but it still leaves me tired when I have cases of insomnia) and our family left for Oklahoma for dim sum at the Grand House restaurant. Only four of us went, because two of my brothers had to work today and so they get whatever leftovers we manage to bring home from Oklahoma.

Little did we know that dim sum is only served during the weekends at the Grand House and thus we had to settle for ordering regular Chinese-American food that you can get at any regular restaurant here at home. Nonetheless, food was good and we spent the next hour shopping for stuff you can't get back home so as to fill up our "in case of apocalypse" freezer storage.

Our findings were quite fruitful and I found out that Pocky can also come in giant form. I wish I had a picture of them. In fact, I wish I would have bought some because I've grown quite attached to Pocky... like chips but less greasy and better tasting.

The drive to Oklahoma was nearing two and half hours, maybe more. The drive back was no less time and I realized just how much discipline it takes to stay still in one spot for two and a half hours without blinking or moving. I was struggling to keep my eyes open by the time we hit the turnpike and I was relieved to see the nice big "Welcome to Wichita" sign.

Along the way, while everone was sleeping, I saw what looked like a pink SUV coming up behind us. "Pink SUV?" I thought, "couldn't be." And then it pulled passed our van and I realized that I wasn't seeing things. It was indeed very carnation pink.

"Who in the hell drives a pink--?" My answer came when I noticed the very small, very fancy label of Mary Kay on the bottom left of the trunk. Of course, Mary Kay. I was a little intrigued, because honestly, even if you are from Mary Kay, who in their right mind would drive a pink SUV?

Anything is possible, I guess.

On a side note, while pulled passed a weigh station I saw a huge truck sporting a giant brass buffalo statue. I wish I could have gotten a picture of it as well, but by the time I realized what was on that truck, I'd already driven right passed it. It was another of life's wonders I guess.

All-in-all, the day was interesting. I'm completely pooped and feel like I need to sleep, but really now, what does sleep accomplish anyway?

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